Uncategorized 28 February 2023

Celebrating My Real Estate Anniversary

Celebrating another year with Century 21 since 2004! It’s been an incredible journey helping families find their dream homes and guiding them through the real estate process.

I always know how many years I am in the business, since I got in the same year I had my youngest son. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my amazing colleagues and clients.

Thank you for your trust and loyalty, and here’s to many more years of making homeownership dreams a reality!

#Century21Anniversary #Grateful #RealEstateAgent #forterie #livinginforterie #movingtoforterie #niagara #livinginniagara #movingtoniagara #realtor #realtorinforterie #realtorinniagara #realestate #realestatepractice #homeforsale #homeforsaleniagara #houseforsale #barbarascarlett